January 29, 2006

Our Weekend Adventure

Friday morning Jeremy called me to tell me that he was planning a little surprise for me. Originally he'd intended to just come home from work and whisk me away for the night, but he knows me better than that. A night away takes preparation--especially when I don't have any food in the house and we're going to have an overnight babysitter! He'd arranged it all on Thursday--a dinner at Fresco Italian Cafe in Salt Lake and then a night at the Anniversary Inn. We haven't had a night together away from Kaitlin in about a yeat, so it was a very nice surprise.

We had a 6:00 reservation at Fresco, so we dropped Kaitlin off at my sister's at about 5:15 and off we went. If you ever want to taste heaven on a plate, go to Fresco and order the butternut squash ravioli. Yes, it's only one ravioli, but. . .well, my mouth is watering just thinking about it! It's wonderful--a dollop of pureed butternut squach between two pieces of pasta, drizzled with brown butter sauce, chopped hazelnuts and gorgonzola cheese. the waiter let us in on a little secret--they make an entree size. Too bad we'd already ordered. The rest of our meal was just as delightful. But really, the adventure was just begining.

We arrived at the Anniversary Inn, and since every room is equipped with a 42' inch plasma television (what man can resist that?), Jeremy brought a selection of my favorite romantic movies to watch. I chose Shakespeare in Love (sigh) and we watched. When it was time to turn off the lights, we discovered the dirty little secret of the Anniversary Inn Suite, the room where we stayed. Although it was a very inviting looking room, it is probably the loudest and brightest room I hace ever tried to sleep in. You notice I say tried? At 10:30 I turned off my bedside light. After watching the headlights on the wall, and listening to the cars speeding up and down 700 East and South Temple for 2 and a half hours, Jeremy and I had had enough. Add to that the front desk guy getting the morning's breakfast ready in the kitchen right across the hall from us, including breaking up the ice in the ice machine, which produced a very loud metallic clanging sound, and we'd had enough. We were laying in the bed, staring up at the ceiling,%2


Blogger Jill said...

That sounds awful--did you guys complain about the noise? That seems like a pretty big flaw for a place specializing in overnight rendezvous'. At least the dinner was great and you had a fun movie and time away from Kaitlin. I bet you were happy to see her when you picked her up the next day.

5:45 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

Oh dear. I hope you got to change rooms or get a refund or something. What a disappointment. The restaurant sounds fabulous though. That ravioli sounds like a little bit of heaven. (And thanks for the heads up about The Known World.)

10:54 AM  
Blogger jenn said...

Nothing like paying for NO sleep- SO sorry about a botched night! I'm not sure even dinner and a movie can make up for lack of sleep! Hope you've recovered!

5:25 PM  
Blogger collette said...

We stayed there one time (in the Lighthouse room) and the bed was aweful! It was hard as a rock and shaped in a circle so our feet hung off the bed. The cheesecake was delicious but...

8:29 PM  

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