
Jill's post about reading (sorry Jill, I still don't know how to do a link!) reminded me of something I saw while sitting at a stop light in Salt Lake on Friday night. It was a couple sitting on their couch reading. No TV, no DVDs, just books. I was so impressed. Jeremy and I never read together although it's something I know I would love to do. Kaitlin and I read together all of the time, but we're reading The Listening Walk, Never Babysit the Hippopotamuses, or any of an assortment of Charlie and Lola books. Fun stuff, but they just don't seem to lead to any sort of conversation. I am the first to admit that my rigorous TV schedule keeps me from accomplishing so many things, reading included. Jeremy suggested that we give up TV in favor of reading, but really, can I live without knowing what will happen on 24, or if Rory and Logan will get back together, or who will be exiled first on the next installment of Survivor? Ok, yes, I can. But do I want to?
I can't imagine Marc ever suggesting that we give up TV. It's our best form of entertainment, and it's free! (well, mostly) Yes, I could live without knowing what's going on on my shows, but it would be a much more boring existence... I love reading AND TV. I think the two can co-exist! And with the amount you've been reading, missy, I don't think you have too much to worry about!
I don't think you need to give up tv for reading because you do both so well. It's impressive that Jeremy would suggest such a thing, but with DVR technology surely the two could co-exist in peace. I have nights where all I want to do is watch tv and other nights where I only want to read (like last night, thanks to Mrs. Kimble) so perhaps a balance of sorts is in order.
They must co-exist. Some nights are TV nights and some nights are reading nights. Kelly and I love to read in our pretty front room with our feet sharing my favorite fleece blanket but some nights the nearness to him is too much or the effort to read is more than I can handle, thus Numbers and Monk! You can SO have it all!
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