So, has anyone read Heidi Swapp's blog about the cute pink dishes she found at Target? She posted a picture that I wish I could link to, but I'm a dork so I can't. Anyway, I can't get these dishes out of my head. I want them. They're just so cute! But then I think, what in the world do I need new dishes for--and pink ones at that?

They couldn't be my everyday dishes. And where would I store them? Nevertheless, I will probably go to Target tomorrow and see if they have any. I hope they were a Valentine's Day thing so they aren't there any more. Then I won't be tempted. But it's silly really. Do you do this--get fixated on something that's completely off the wall? The other thing that I want to search for are the new Basic Grey book plates. Have you seen these? They are a must have! Maybe after Target. . . . .
Of course I do that. I fixate on an idea or item and then it gradually takes over my mind until I can do something about it. I hope you get the dishes, how cute would that be?
I just went to her blog and looked at the pink dishes -- now I'm starting to get fixated on them too! I do that all the time, especially with scrapbook stuff and Target.
I don't dare look because I LOVE dishes! I used to think it was a dumb thing, to love dishes. But you use dishes EVERY day and you have to wash them, so they might as well be WAY cute so you can be happy cleaning them! Some day I will have a huge pantry to store extra dishes in and I'll have dishes for every season and reason! Someday.
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