Well, who's feeling like a pig now?

So last night Jeremy and I came home from dinner to a big bag of caramel corn from Jill. Well, I was excited. I love caramel corn--especially chewy caramel corn. That's what I grew up eating. Unfortunately, I had a stuffy nose to end all stuffy noses (if only!) and, therefore, no sense of taste. I chose to wait until this morning to indulge. After breakfast Kaitlin let her Valentine's Day balloon float up to the ceiling in our family room--two stories tall!!--and was throwing a huge fit. I looked at the caramel corn, somewhat regrettably because I wasn't going to share it with anyone, and decided to see if I could placate her with it. Did it ever work! At first she refused it. She's two, and that's what she does. Then I stuffed a small piece into her mouth. Immediately her eyes brightened, and a little giggle escaped from between her lips and all the popcorn in her mouth. She couldn't get enough. She loved it so much that every time she ate it she giggled. It was so cute. Needless to say, we carried our bag of caramel corn around all morning--into the bathroom with us when we were getting ready to shower, upstairs when I went to check my email, and back downstairs to hand out with us until it was all gone. Then I went to check on the daily blog entries. I saw Jean's picture of her caramel corn, and couldn't resist taking a picture of my empty bag. Obviously she has a touch more restraint than I do. Jill, thanks so much for making my morning wonderfully yummy! Your caramel corn was delightful, and incidentally, the only thing I could taste all day. Pesky colds!
You're welcome. If I had known about the balloon incident (if I had ESP) then I would have given you 2 bags just in case. Your ceiling is unbelievably high so I think it will be up there for awhile. Too funny.
Restraint is not the word for me because I didn't share ANY of it. Well, maybe a little with Ethan on my way home from Jill's since it was the only thing he was willing to eat in four days of being sick. But it wasn't much and I didn't share with any of my other kids! So, selfish is what I was. And it was gone the next day! SO scrumptous!
OK, I ate mine all by myself, in about 20 minutes, while I was lying on my bed reading the end of Mrs. Kimble (so good!). So if you are a pig, what in the world does that make me??
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