It's funny how being unable to post to my blog put my mind into blogging overdrive. I kept coming up with things that I wanted to write about, with no means of acually posting. So, in the tradition of Jill and Amy M, here are a few of my random thoughts.
Have any of you ever participated in a Family Home Evening Packet group? I did for a while--I think we lasted less than a year. The idea was that ten people would prepare one lesson for nine different people and themself. We got together on a quarterly basis to exchange lessons. In theory it was a great idea. But the pressure to produce a "fat" packet (lots of activities, stories, games, etc.) was just too much. It seemed like some of the girls were always trying to "one-up" each other. As much as I complained about having to prepare a lesson for ten people--the time commitment, the money commitment--I was kind of sad when it ended. I really enjoyed getting the packets. A few days ago I had an Eureka! moment. Jeremy and I were talking about how we ought to start trying to have a short Family Home Evening every week with Kaitlin. She's 2, so she should be able to handle, oh, about 2 minutes of something gospel related! The family home evening packets came to mind, and I thought I'd start sifting through the ones I have to see if there is anything age appropriate in them. That thought led to an idea for incorporating Conference talks into our Family Home Evenings. I thought I could pick six talks and prepare a kid friendly Family Home Evening lesson around it. I would only have to prepare one lesson a month, until the next Conference, and my family would have a forum to discuss topics that the General Authorities find relevant for our time. Since I didn't have this idea until now, I think I'll begin when the Conference issue of the Ensign comes out. I'll start over with the next Conference issue. This way I don't have to start out by feeling behind. Hopefully this will be a good way to bring more of the gospel into our home. I really feel it's important to start soon with teaching Kaitlin the things that we believe as a church and as a family. So, does anybody else do something like this? If so, or if you do Family Home Evening in a fun and interesting way, what do you do?
One day at the hotel I entered the lobby to find they had laid out complementary copies of Newsweek magazine. Knowing I was facing a few hours cooped up in the room, I grabbed one to read. I read this touching little article written by a man who had lost his wife two years ago. If you don't have time to read it (if you're wondering, it's short!) I'll sum it up. The writer, William Shaw, always knew that his wife loved him, but after her death he wished that they had taken the opportunity to write love letters to each other throughout their marriage. He would have liked to have something of her left behind as "proof" of their love for each other. I immediately resolved to start writing letters to Jeremy every once in a while, just to let him know that I love him and tell him why. Do any of you write love letters to your spouse or significant other? (Two post scripts on this one. First, if you liked that article, you might want to print it out. I'm pretty sure that Newsweek doesn't archive their articles for long. Second, this article plays very nicely into my emphasis on journal writing--something that I want to post about more thoroughly later!)
This week we're trying to begin to transition Kaitlin fromt the crib into her big girl bed. I want her to take ownership of her new space as soon as possible before the baby comes. Does that sound really psychobabble-ish, or what? Anyway, we tried it yesterday and it freaked her out so badly that she refused to take a nap at all, even when I moved her into her crib. I think she could smell my fear and was reacting to that! Last night and this morning I worked on making the room a little more her own. All of her toys are there, her clothes are there, I made the bed (well, the mattress on the floor) and made sure to get her dressed and change her diapers in her new room. We also talked about all of the furniture in the room, the sheets, the pillows and pillowcases--everything. You name it! A few hours before naptime we had some errands to run, and then we stopped for lunch. At lunch I asked her where she wanted to sleep. She chose the big girl bed, and so far so good. I'm not sure that she's actually sleeping in there, but at least she's not screaming! Do you have any good tried and true techniques for getting a kid to sleep in a bed?
Today's an exciting day. Jeremy's new Mini Cooper is ready to be picked up. We're going to Salt Lake this afternoon, after my doctor's appointment to get it. I'm bummed that I'm going to have to drive the Explorer home while he gets to ride in his new plaything. But that's ok. There will be plenty of opportunities to ride in it later. I'm just really excited for Jeremy to get this car. He's been working so hard lately both at the office and at home--he deserves something fun for himself.
OK, I know I'm going a little long winded again. Sorry. I'll go try to get started on what I really should be doing--getting a few things done while Kaitlin's asleep.
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I found your site through Kristi-
You should read the Love Letters of Ronny and Nancy. It is a great tribute to the Reagan's love, but also made me wish that I too wrote letters to my husband. Some are a little cheesy, but it reminds you of what life was like before email and everything- there is nothing like a letter written on stationary!
hey girl. i have thought a lot about posting about FHE. I love FHE and have felt real strongly about always doing it even with the babies being young. you hit it right on the head about being age appropriate.
we always do something everyweek but it may be a 3 min lesson. i have really felt that jeff and i will be the ones teaching these principles to our kids.
i have done those fhe swaps too. it has never worked out for me. because they are too packed full of stuff and i tend to spend a lot of time and make them nice and everyone else turns in lame ones.
One of the reasons I fall in love with Alan more and more is his letters. The one good side effect of a military marriage and us being apart is the letters, and he writes so well (you saw his entry on our blog). I still have all the emails he wrote me when we were dating. When I am mad at him, I read them and what ever I was POed about doesn't seem so bad!
I understand about "ownership" of the room. We didn't transition Leah to a big girl bed B4 Hannah since Leah was still to young, we now want to wait till she is settled with Hannah, then introduce a new thing. Good luck!
I did the FHE packets for about a year and I love having them. I enjoyed having nice, fat packets but tend to use only part of them. Even the older kids don't need all of that stuff. I find that even when we don't use them for FHE all the time I still rely on them to supplement for primary lessons. It's a great resource to have those available. I like your idea about adapting conference talks. I have started turning some of my primary lessons into FHE packets. I spend a lot of time preparing my lessons and tend to print a lot of word strips and visual aids and can't stand the thought of throwing them away, so I stick my lesson outline and other items into a manilla envelope and put it in with my packets.
I'd like to see what you come up with when you adapt the conference talks. That's a great idea. Here is a link to a great LDS site with all kinds of clip art and activity ideas.
Even with all of the FHE packets that I have, my kids' favorite thing to do is to randomly pick a picture from the Gospel Library Picture Kit and then we tell the story. Even 2-year-old Devin loves this.
I had Max in a "big boy bed" at 18 months and he did great. We put a protector thing (I don't know what they're called) on the bed, so I think that it almost felt like his crib to him. Max was also making his bed at 2. Devin, on the other hand, will stay in his crib until he climbs out because I don't want to deal with it right now. :)
It's 11:00 pm and Jeremy just brought his new car over to show Nate. I need to go take a peek. How fun!
I love the idea of incorporating conference talks into FHE! I have never been in a group, but have made many of my own packets. They do have too much for one lesson, but I find I use them for primary talks or lessons too. We have also used the GAK like Jana mentioned -- easy, quick FHE lesson!
Love letters -- no, I don't write them. I love letters in general, but doubt Marc would ever write in return...
re: big kid beds. We had a toddler bed with side rails and it worked out pretty well.
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