So, I know I've been MIA this past week, but I've been trying to keep up with comments. All of you should look back at your posts if you didn't see mine. Some nights I went on a commenting spree and commented on several day's worth of posts at once.
It's good to be home again, paint fumes and all. We moved home Saturday morning, and since then we have been working hard to get the house back in order. Today the painter finished his work. It's my fault that he got behind. I ended up hating the colors I chose for the master bedroom and bathroom. Imagine blue buble gum ice cream--that's what the color I chose ended up looking like.

Unfortunately, he painted my entire room before I saw it. We had a small crisis on Thursday night when I saw it that resulted in and resolved itself by me making a mad dash to Restoration Hardware to buy these cool little benches for the end of my bed. I knew I loved the color and that I wanted to base the color of my room on them. Kaitlin was a little trooper. For some reason she just loves to go to Restoration Hardware and Pottery Barn. I think it's becasue there are so many candles for her to smell. She actually cried when I told her we couldn't go into Pottery Barn that night. What can I say? She is my daughter after all! (PS My bench color is not in this picture. Mine is more of a blue/green/gray.) Other than the paint color fiasco--and how I so wanted to consult Michelle with her talent for picking paint colors!--, everything went well with our little decorating project. We survived. Kaitlin still misses the hotel and talks about it every day. I'll have to take her to the pool at the gym so she knows that her swimming days aren't over.
So I'm back. I may not post too many times over then next few days. I really want to get everything put away so I can truly enjoy my "new" house. But at least I can be a regular reader again.
I'm so glad you're back home again. What a bizarre time of flux. You're the only people I know that would have ended up staying in a hotel for 2 weeks instead of shacking up with friends or family.
I can't believe your master suite was bubble gum blue. Was the painter annoyed or relieved when he found out that wasn't the color you wanted? I've got to wonder if he was painting the room and thinking "what the heck is wrong with these people?"
Too funny. I look forward to see all the changes in your new, New house.
I'm glad your back...home and blogging. I can't wait to see your new scrap book furniture and room all set up.
bubble gum blue- oh my heck! I just have to think that painter was relieved to paint it another color!
Can't wait to see all the changes!
Blue bubble gum...that you should have taken a picture of to share.
Glad you are home.
LOL to K and the stores. I can only hope my girls take after her on that!
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