She's Finally Coming Around

Today Kaitlin discovered the joy of holding Alex. I was sitting on the couch getting ready to feed the baby, watching Jo Jo's Circus for the 100th time today, when Kaitlin walked up to me and announced that she wanted to hold Alexander. (When do children learn how to ask, rather than demand anyway?) I let her hold him for a few minutes. After I finished she was anxious to hold him again. We bathed him and then sat down to hold him again. She was so cute and proud of herself. She gave him kisses, stroked his head and laughed very happily. After that whenever Alex even whimpered Kaitlin would come up to me and say, "Oh no! Alexander's crying. I want to hold him!" My, doesn't she learn fast? Seriously, though, it's good to see her coming around. I try really hard not to push him on her. I know she's very apprehensive about having him here, so I don't want to force the issue. But it still does my heart good to see her begining to like him. I hate to wish his life away, but I can't wait until he becomes a little more interactive so Kaitlin can see how much fun it's going to be to have a little brother.

Nine days isn't bad for Kaitlin to come around to Alexander. It's got to be rough on little kids to go from ruling the roost to sharing the spotlight. I'm sure she's very cute with him.
Kaitlin's bedhead is hilarious. What in the world happens when she sleeps? Whitney gets bedhead really bad too and I'm always asking her what she was doing in the night.
That is awesome that she is coming around. I can just see her wanting to help out and being cute with him. The bedhead is great. Mya gets it for a little bit but then the weight of her hair usually makes it right itself. It makes K look like a restless sleeper.
That really was some good bed head!
My good friend just had a baby and they had a FHE with paper chains to help illustrate to Clara that Sam lives with they now and they're not going to take him back and leave him at the hospital. I love the way that kids think.
That picture is so sweet of her holding him. Its funny how all kids react differently to a new sibling in the home and how long it took for her to want to hold him.
Love the bedhead. I am sure if my boys had hair they would look much worse than that! Ironically my daughter never really gets it to bad. Can't wait to see the bedhead gallery if you get it up and running!
It took Max almost 1 year to start liking Devin. Kaitlin's doing great!
I have to see your baby before we leave out of town.
that photo is cracking me up, it almost looks like a plastic doll. love that bedhead.
darling photo of alex. i have been thinking about you this week.
Siblings are the is so nice when they figure that out too!
I also love the bedhead photo!
I'm so glad she is warming up to the idea of having a little brother. It can definitely be hard on the older sibling to be displaced a little bit. She is so used to occupying the center of your world! She is a sweetheart and I love that she is wanting to take care of him already.
Both pictures are great! Leah gets bed head too...they must dance in their sleep or something to get their hair like that.
WOW to K holding A. Leah loves Hannah, but she has never asked to hold way to go K (and mom)
I know my response is way late, but...
Yes, 9 days is not at all bad for Kaitlin to show signs of coming around. It was good to hear Jana say it took her son a year to get used to his brother b/c that may be the case with my sons. :-)
Bedhead! I can relate. I have to redo my kid's hair after any time he lays down. Total bedhead.
happy birthday today
It must be so nice for you that she is coming around. It has to be so hard for a child to realize there is another person in your life. They sure look cute together.
Wow, look at that bed head. My little boy gets it really bad because he sweats buckets when he sleeps. So funny at this age aren't they? So anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you!!! Hope you are taking it easy and having a great day.
Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.
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