September 05, 2006

So many things to write about, so little time

Besides wanting to write about my Labor Day experiences, I've thought of two other items that are going to receive precedence today, since they're short and I just posted a mammoth writeup of the book Brideshead Revisited that if anyone reads all the way through, I'll be totally amazed!

First, is anybody reading Dooce? Her blog is at times guite irreverant, but absolutely hilarious. Her post today was especially good, so I wanted to link it. Take a minute to read it. It's really sweet.

Second, I found out today that all baby formulas are not created equal. Since Alexander had his two month check up we've been searching for the right formula to reduce his spitting up. I didn't feel like it was necessary to get an antacid for him since the only misery was on my part in that I had to continually clean up after him. Anybody whose fed their baby formula knows that this is not a cheap proposition. After about $70, I didscovered that lactose free formula is best, and that the Target brand (roughly $12 a can) is infintely inferior to the Enfamil brand (roughly $23 for the exact same can). Don't be fooled that the labels are identical. The formula is not. Today on the Target brand Alex couldn't keep a thing down and finally refused to drink. Once I went to Target (hence the dinner at Target) to get Enfamil and served him an Enfamil bottle he drank peacefully, hardly even had to burp and is now, at 7:45, sleeping peacefully for the night.

That's all of my nuggets of wisdom for the day. Now I'm off to clean up my disgustingly messy house and wait for Jeremy to get homw so we can watch Rockstar: Supernova. I know. You don't even have to say it.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hated buying formula for Mya. She just stopped nursing at 7 months- to my dismay- so I had to take the horrible money plunge. I was lucky though and could buy the generic stuff. Sorry Alexander needs the pricey things- but whatever makes them happy and sleepy is worth it.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Jana said...

We just finished watching Rockstar:Supernova. Let's chat about it later.

Formula buying is the worst! Every child is so different. You can never out-guess what will work for each baby. In any case, he is adorable.

11:32 PM  
Blogger Diana said...

I didn't nurse my babies for different reasons but the only formula that didn't make them sick was Nestle Goodstart. Luckily we're poor enough (lou is a student and only works part time) that we are on WIC.
Joshy is finishing off his formula and once it's gone, yea we will be formula free!

11:02 AM  
Blogger Jill said...

My kids never used formula so I'm clueless. I just know it reeks and the spit-up is pretty nasty. I'm glad you found a solution.

5:10 PM  
Blogger jenny said...

Sorry to hear about your formula woes. That totally stinks!

That was a sweet post on that blog. Doug and I often find ourselves quoting our little ones in bed too.

8:11 PM  
Blogger jenny said...

P.S. I love your new sidebar, especially with Kaitlin quotes. How do you do that I mean all the sidebar stuff?

8:12 PM  
Blogger Amie said...

After I saw Jenny's comment I went back and looked at your sidebars. Very cool.

I guess I got lucky with the formula, my kids didn't care what was in the bottle as long as there was a bottle!

8:58 PM  
Blogger michelle said...

Lucas and Eva both weaned themselves before a year, so I had to buy formula too. Eva needed the soy variety, but luckily I could use the cheap Target stuff. Bummer that you have to shell out the big bucks, but totally worth it if it means having a happy baby! And such a sweet baby he is...

8:27 AM  

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