Hot Girls (Clean Version)

A few weeks ago we were in the car running errands. Kaitlin kept asking to listen to Daddy's song. I had no idea, but managed to eventually placate her by letting her listen to her then favorite song, Black Horse and the Cherry Tree by KT Tunstall (otherwise known as the Woo Hoo song). That night Jeremy took her out on their weekly dinner date and happened to listen to the new INXS album, Switch. The song Hot Girls came on and Kaitlin burst out in song! What the. . .? Jeremy called me from the road to ask if I'd been listening to INXS a lot. I hadn't. Then he told me about her singing the song.
Here's the chorus--the only part that she knows, and the only part that's clean enough to publish on this blog.
Hot girls, they can break me, break me
Hot girls, you know what you're doing
Now, hot girls, come and break me, break me
Hot girls, take me where you are going
It's horrific, I know. Can you imagine the shock that Jeremy's mom must have felt when her darling, seemingly innocent little two year old granddaughter burst out singing "Hot girls!" at the top of her lungs? Can you imagine my embarrassment when, at dinner the other night, Kaitlin again started yelling "Hot girls!", again at the top of her lungs?
The funny (ironic funny, not ha ha funny) is that we almost never listen to that CD. Somehow in the one or two times she might have heard the song she picked up on it. If that isn't proof of the spongelike nature of a child's mind, I don't know what is. I guess now we know that we have to add music to our list of things to censor!
This is too funny. Mya knows the words to a few songs that I have thought, hm, how did she learn that? Cute picture of Kaitlin!
That's pretty funny, that whole thing about kids being like sponges is frighteningly accurate. That picture of Kaitlin is mighty cute, but I have to say she looks way older than the last time I saw her. Whoa.
You're right. It's amazing what they pick up on. I remember a little 3-year-old saying to my friend that he wanted to listen to the song about killing somebody. Later they found out that he was referring to Bohemian Rhapsody.
Kaitlin's eyelashes are beautiful!!!
I don't know if that is a "girl" thing or not. To pick up on music. Because my Taylor has done that since Kaitlin's age and still amazes me to be able to listen to a song once and then repeat the words by heart.
Thats a pretty funny story. She is a cutie!
Kaitlin is the picture and your smart little girls. She is such a little sponge
Leah is a big fan of the WOO HOO song too, that "Wheels on the Bus" and the "ABC" song are her top favorites on my IPOD...and the most played on my IPOD too.
When Kate and Megan were little, their favorite song was Brittany Spears "Oops I Did It Again"!! They could sing it and they would dance to it (apparently picked up from the video when you use to get The Box on the tv). We thought it was funny the first time we saw them and let the video play. NEVER again! The worst part was when they started telling people Brittany was MY favorite singer!
Super Cute picture!!
We've been shocked a few times too. Now I try to keep kid-friendly cds in the car. Luckily I have a big car so I can just turn it on in their speakers and I don't go too crazy.
Cute Picture!
You might have seen my face on the comments section of some of your friends blogs. I couldn't read that post without laughing. So hilarious!!
Oh my gosh, that's hysterical. I agree that Kaitlin looks older than when I last saw her. I love the wibbin in her hair!
LOL. That's hilarious.
such a cute picture of kaitlin. it is frightening to see how much your kids pick up but adorable at the same time.
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