The Last Little While. . .
As I sit here typing, Alexander is smiling at me and making the most adorable happy baby sounds. How I love that kid! Kaitlin is "swimming" in the bathtub, her reward for getting out of the shower when Alexander woke up without throwing a major fit and being good while I fed him. (All I can say is thank goodness for wireless Internet and laptop computers that allow me to blog anywhere in my house!) Life is pretty good right now--and except for the living room strewn with Kaitlin's toys and all of the pillows from the couch, and the fact that I didn't get my hair blown dry today, I'm feeling like we could be the posterchildren for domestic bliss. Isn't it funny how some days are so much better than others, even when the good days and the bad days are pretty much the same? I guess it has more to do with my ability to cope than anything else. So today my coping skills must be pretty good.
True to my word, I have to post pictures of the good mail I received this week. Of course, two of the pieces were things that I ordered for myself, but since Jill says that counts, it must be true! She is, after all, the original good mail sender. First, I received a nice thank you note from Jenny. Don't you just love purses? I adore anything that has a purse on it! Next, I got a package from My Daughter's Wish with one of the new(ish) Foofala Bag O' Buttons.
It's so cute, and has great variety. I also bought some chipboard paisely from Maya Road, simply because I couldn't
stand the thought of paying as much for shipping as I did for the Bag O' Buttons. Does anybody else struggle when it comes to paying shipping on the Internet? I always feel like the cost of my purchase has to somehow justify the shipping charges. Anyway, finally, I got the latest issue of Mental Floss magazine. This is a fun, quirky little magazine that I discovered when we were living in the hotel when our house was being made over. I just couldn't resist the tag line "Where Knowledge Junkies Get Their Fix", since I am somewhat of a trivia buff. It also didn't hurt any that my fist issue featured a pitcure of Benjamin Franklin on the cover. I'm a sucker for colonial and revolutionary American history. All of that on the same day! It was so exciting!
"I want to watch my Cinderella movie with bopity bop in it." Apparently the Fairy Godmother has caught Kaitlin's eye in our daily viewings of Cinderella. Yes, she's discovered the Disney princesses. Cinderella (the ll is pronounced, by the way, with the Spanish pronounciation, ending up sounding like Cindereya) is her absolute favorite, though Sleeping Beauty could take the lead here pretty soon. I've been waiting for this day. I can't wait until The Little Mermaid comes out on DVD next month. I'm also hoping that I can get her started on Beauty and the Beast soon. I just have to convince her that Beast is a bear or a dog or somthing so she's not so scared of him. It will be nice to have a break from Dora, Diego, Woodie and Jessie.An unforseen benefit of this new princess obsession is that it's gotten her off of "Hot Girls" and her new favorite song "Bounce" (the jumping song) by Bon Jovi. I started her on Bounce because it had a nice repetitive chorus, which she likes. Then I read the lyrcs. If only I could understand what singers are saying. We could avoid so many difficulties. Bounce contains several lines that go something like this:Call it karma, call it luckMe I just don't give aBounce, bounce. . . .Yeah, so we went from soft porn music to a song that implies the "f" word. great. On Sunday in the car Kaitlin wanted to listen to her "jumping song". I couldn't bear the thought of listening to that song over and over, so I toldher that we were going to listen to some nice quiet Sunday music. I turned on some Mozart. She began having a meltdown until I told her that it was princess music. Thank you Disney for using so much classical music in those early films! Now, whenever we get in the car we listen to KBYU, the classical music station. The great thing is that Kaitlin can hardly tell when one song has ended and another begun. This way I don't have to listen to the same song over and over, I don't have to listen to Kaitlin complaining when I change the song, and I get to listen to nice claming music in the car. We both win! Hey, I've been wanting to become more familiar with classical music since we read An Equal Music in book club. Now I have the perfect excuse.
Speaking of being in the car on Sunday, we were heading up to American Fork Canyon to go on a little walk. For some reason Kaitlin is unbearable on Sunday afternoons, so we always try to find a little outing to take her on to help her release a little energy. We ended up following a little stream that flowed down out of a small side canyon. It was gorgeous! Kaitlin kept saying, "I'm a hiking monster and a hiking fool!" as we were going up the trail. Jeremy teaches her to say the funnies things! I'd heard her say that before, and have laughed about it a lot, but it seemed funnier in an actual hiking setting. So, I don't usually post pictures of myself here, but I thought I would make my physical presence known, especially since this is the best picture of me and Kaitlin together that we've gotten in over a year! Too bad I look terrible! Serves me right for putting off my laundry and having only a too big t-shirt and too big jeans to wear. Here are a few more pictures of our hike. It was so much fun, and Jeremy was so grateful that I came along. That, in itself, made it worth it to me!
OK, that's the short of it, in my long winded fashion. Thanks, once again for sticking with me 'till the end!
I miss our laptop and the ease of posting anywhere in the house- hopefully we are trading in our desktop soon for a MacBook and I can experience that bliss again.
Love those button colors and the whole Maya Road line. I haven't seen those paisly things anywhere though- I'll have to keep an eye out. I hate online shipping and always try to justify it- the shipping on the last thing I ordered was more than the products. Argh!
Mya is just now starting to love Beauty and the Beast. I agree that the princess movies are so much better than Dora and all that garbage. I can't wait for Little Mermaid and Aladdin!
Cute pictures of you guys. I love taking Mya up the canyon and just following her around and watching how excited she is about everything. Kaitlin is so cute and looks so happy to be out and about.
I love that you called your life "domestic bliss" today. Your post was fun and so positive which I needed today. I love the Disney movies as much as the kids ours have been watched 100s of times!
Congrats on a day of domestic bliss! It's great to document a day like that when there are so many awful days in-between that get remembered.
Those buttons are so cute, and yes I have major issues with paying shipping when I order things. I try not to think about it too much, but there's nothing quite like ordering from Impress and having a tiny box arrive that I had to pay $7 to ship. Aargh!
We never go to the canyon and we're so closeby, we really should do that. How cute that Kaitlin says she's a hiking fool! She's way more outdoor educated than I am.
Laptops were definitely a grand invention!
I miss my oldest (Taylor) watching those princess movies. My kids have sadly boycotted all of the classics. I am so sad about that! And because Luke (#3) has never watched them he won't even give VHS a chance. We have so many great videos and dvds for that matter. But my kids refuse to watch the "old" tapes.
I too have a problem with paying for shipping, you almost feel like you should just go out to a store and get it.
How fun to go hiking in the canyon I miss having that so close by.
that is funny....i can't wait to have my computer on a place where I can go and sit....this lap top is kind of press something and the whole thing goes banananas....funny Alexei just saw Cinderella for the first time a couple of weeks ago, while at a cousins house...i love outings...and one of my favorite ones is "after church" going for a walk or after dinner at the beach there is something wonderful about walking around as a that. Glad to hear everything is going well
How great that you had a day of domestic bliss AND that you documented it! I love that you said the good days and the bad days really aren't that different, it's more about our coping skills. So true!
I adore those FooFaLa buttons and have been looking all over for them, people are always sold out! So I'm excited to have a new source. It is a bummer to have to pay shipping, but it's mitigated somewhat by being able to get something that no area stores carry, right?
I just can't wait until Eva is old enough to appreciate princesses. I am so looking forward to having girly things about the house (well, aside from all the pink clothes and the girly girl bedroom...)
Such cute pictures of you guys in the canyon. A great family outing, made even greater by the photo opps.
We've never had a laptop but I can see how nice it would be to own. That would be super nice to take it wherever you needed to be, like when your kid is in the bath :)
I love your good mail, I need to start ordering more things online so I can have more good mail days. Those buttons are very cute, I bet you'll put them to good use.
Kira hasn't really gotten into princesses yet. WE don't really own any Disney DVDs except Snow White and Lion King. She wasn't too interested in either of them but it was a long time ago when I tried, so maybe I should try again. I am glad Kaitlin likes them so you can have some time to yourself or to have her busy while you're helping Alex.
We too love to go into the canyons. The kids love it, we put Kira in the backpack and Josh in the frontback, we can't go too far but we always have fun, I can't wait to go up there with the leaves start to change colors.
Hi Amy. Love going out on little breaks on Sunday to get out of the house for a walk or a drive. It's the only way to keep sanity on our Sundays. Yes, I hate shipping!!! My husband is a trivia junkie too. Fun magazine. It's fun to see how little your guy is. Mine has sprouted to very big proportions so he no longer seems little. Glad you are doing well!
So glad you posted! I leave my car radio tuned to KBYU because I get so sick of the noise 5 kids make! I can't stand the talk and the garbage on other stations so Classical is my saving grace- it stops my head from throbbing!
I can see her saying hiking fool and it is cracking me up! You do have great kids!
Jenn, don't you love how even the DJ voices on KBYU are soothing? It's the best thing I've "discovered" in a long time.
Don't you hate it when you read a really good, interesting and funny post and then forget all the particulars that you want to comment on? Maybe it's just me.
I love your posts, they always make me smile.
I love that K is now in the princess phase, and too funny about the music, I about peed my pants.
On line shipping is horrendous (sp)
I love the pictures of your cute family and I love AF canyon. It is home to me.
Matt and I have all the disney DVD's and no kids, go figure, but I love them.
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