Why is it that I always fall of the face of the blogging world during the weekend? And why does it take me until Tuesday to find my way back? I miss you all on these little weekend breaks. But, I have been good and I went and commented on everyone's blogs, so at least I'm current with you. I'm having a hard time getting too motivated today. I had a good morning, but Jeremy informed me that I'm facing the prospect of packing up my house all weekend. If you've been to my house you've either noticed or I've pointed out the squeaky floor problem that we have. Our house is less than a year old and it sounds worse than houses that are a hundred years older. So we've finally gotten our builder to agree to come fix the floors (you wouldn't believe their hesitation!). The problem is that we have to clear everything out so they can roll back the carpet, screw down the subflooring and then relay the carpet again. For two reasons this is a good thing. First the prospect of unpacking is exciting. Of course the room in which I have the most stuff to pack is my scrapbooking room. The reorganization possibilities are thrilling! And I'll have my new furniture on order so it will make it just that much easier to put things away when it comes. Also, since the room is going to be empty I'm going to take the opportunity to paint it. The second exciting thing is that I'm going to be able to do spring cleaning type vacuuming without any extra effort to move furniture around. But I'm not sure that the pain of having to move everything on someone else's time scale overrides even those happy thoughts. I'll let you know next Wednesday.
I did get a good three hour nap out of Kaitlin today. (She does love me!) So I continued with my CD organization and storage project. I've got them all cataloged, and half of them are ready to go into boxed for long term storage. In the process of all this I've found a lot more music that I needed to rip into iTunes for my iPod. This is a very time consuming job, but it's been fun. I've rediscovered all of my Broadway musical sountracks that I got in high school. How is it that I still know all the words? Right now I'm listening to the soundtrack from Miss Saigon. It's so good! So sad.

OK, so who's watching 24? If you are, and you're not caught up on the episodes you'd better stop reading now. I may write something you don't want to read! Have you heard of willful suspension of disbelief? Every season I'm amazed at how much they expect us to believe. I had high hopes for this season. Everyone seemed to be acting in a pretty realistic manner. But then President Logan decided to give the Russian President's auto route to the airport to a group of terrorists, and it all started going downhill for me. Since then, there has been event after event of such nonsensical proportions that I seriously consider giving up the show altogether after just about every episode. Of course I won't. I have to see what's going to happen next, and, here's the kicker, they always manage to pull it together in the end. That's the genius of 24. The last 2-3 hours are intense and exciting enough so that people forget how ridiculous the rest of the season was. Well Kiefer helps a little in that area, too. So today my TV cheer is "Go American Idol!" At least Simon is predictable in the least ridiculous way possible.
And that's all I have to say today.
Well, there you are! I don't think I'd be as excited about packing things up even though the result sounds so appealing. Probably because I just did my kitchen and I am having a cleaning hangover (but again, the result is worth it)
If you like to unpack so much, I should have brought you with me! There are still 4 boxes hiding in the storage closet I have yet to unpack. I figure if I haven't needed anything out of them yet, they are not important!
Can't wait to see your new scrapbooking room when it all comes together.
and I second the "Go American Idol"
that sounds like a yucky job to me...
So with you on 24. I still watch it, but I'm not sure why! I get tired of Jack Bauer yelling all the time. And the whole thing is SO unbelievable. Check out the British MI-5 for a good show that is much more realistic. Go American Idol!!
Is it just your scrapbook room that you have to pack up or is it the whole house? I can understand the excitement of painting and unpacking your scrapbook room, especially if you've got new furniture coming, but I wouldn't be happy about packing it all up in the first place. I'm sure the finished product will be fantastic, I can't wait to see it.
Thank you for the warning, we have not started 24 yet but are downloading it so I didn't want it spoiled!
I don't know how much more than your scrapbook room you have to pack up but the organizing is a really happy thought and if the floors have been bugging you, then it is worth it to have them fixed!
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