Very Belated Birthday Post
So, you might be wondering why in the world I would want to record my birthday for all time here on my blog. It was a really terrible birthday (sorry, Jeremy if you read this--but it was!) but I also want to thank everyone who sent me thoughtful cards and gifts. You blogging girls are amazingly giving and thoughtful and I really didn't want to forget you! So, here is the rundown of my day.
Jeremy let me sleep in as long as I could stand to without feeding Alexander. When I was done with that, and had gotten ready, we took off to Salt Lake to have breakfast at The Pancake House. If you've never eaten at The Pancake House you're truly missing out on a breakfast treat. (And no, it's nothing like The Waffle House!) I had the most decadent White Chocolate Macadamia Nut pancakes in the world. Really, they're a little bit of heaven on earth! But I digress. On the way to Salt Lake Jeremy informed me that he decided not to get me the present that he was going to get me for vague and uncertain reasons. So I gave him some ideas of things I would like, none of which have showed up in my house. Now I'm wondering if I'm supposed to go out any buy my own birthtday present. Sorry. Another digression. Anyway, we got home from breakfast, I fed Alexander, and then both kids went down for a nap. I decided to go clothes shopping. Big mistake! Big, BIG mistake. Why did I think that would be an enjoyable activity for my birthday? It wasn't. I went to Old Navy only to be cruelly reminded that since I no longer have the body of a teenager, I shouldn't be shopping at a store that caters to women who do. Of course, I can try to get that body back, but that's a long hard road in front of me--a reminder that should best have been saved for another day.
As I was driving home I, ironically, heard a call to Dr. Laura from a woman whose husband didn't do anything for her her for her birthday. I decided to ask Jeremy the question that I was pretty sure I already knew the answer to which was if he had even bought me a card. As I suspected the answer was no. I'll spare Jeremy the public embarassment of revealing what he did offer to do, but needless to say, I was very disappointed. I would rather receive a card than a gift any day!
The rest of Jeremy's day was spent trying to get paperwork ready for the sale of our condo in Lehi, going to the condo to meet with the buyers, and then attending the Doba screening of Pirates of the Caribbean. In Jeremy's defence he did tell me he would stay home from the movie. But at that point, I didn't see how his staying home could possibly redeem the day, so I sent him on his way, instead opting to get the kids into bed early and retiring to a nice hot bubble bath and book.

So there you have it. Although I had no negative feelings about turning 30, the day I entered my fourth decade was a bit if a bust. And I'm sure a touch of postpartum depression didn't help matters much. Anyway, I have to stop. I'm depressing myself all over again. I hope I haven't done the same to you! I'm really much better now. I can even talk about the day good naturedly. Just ask Jenn.
I'm so glad you finally posted about your very disappointing 30th. (I'm not glad it was disappointing, just glad that you are talking about it and blogging again.)
I'm amazed at the cards you received and delighted that Pam sent you Paper Source goodies. Isn't our group of blogging friends the best? How much worse would that day have been without good mail?
As for Jeremy not giving you anything, I'm almost speechless. I almost didn't even call you that day because I figured you'd be whisked away on a great birthday trip or at some fancy restaurant celebrating. He doesn't seem like the kind of guy not to do something for you, so hopefully it's just delayed a bit.
What you said is true, you can even laugh (a little) about your birthday bust. Remember when you commented on my blog about how good it is that we share the good and bad- it helps all of us? Well, good job fessing up to the truth of your disappointing day! Sorry it was!
I'm so upset about your disappointing birthday. And such a milestone birthday, too! You deserve a do-over. Can we just pretend that the 19th is your real birthday when we get together to celebrate? Any woman with a newborn deserves an extra-special birthday, if you ask me! I'm glad you shared your feelings about it, and I am mourning with you.
Amy, I could have written your post! My 30th birthday back in May was a bust...only you are much more honest about it on your blog than I was.
The Pancake House...yummm you are making me miss the states even more.
Old Navy and clothes shopping. Oh My, I ordered a ton of stuff off line from then, and only 2 shirts fit. Sigh...I feel your post pregnancy pain.
So glad to hear though that you surrounded your self with some amazing ladies...I have to admit I am jealous you have them...but very happy you do because no one deserves better friends than you.
So when I come to the states in Feb, we will do over our birthdays about that!
OHHH birthdays....I have had more disappointing birthdays that fun ones...thanks to JIll I think they are so special and that is where the expectation grows...too bad not everyone shares it. Sometimes I think I shouldn't expect anyting and then whatever happens is good. The perfect picture of a birthday for me is a YUMMY CAKE a big piece and lots of gifts or gift is a day meant to make you feel special. I have no problem buying anyting for me with the excuse of a birthday! I think with the new born maybe your hubby was out of sorts too! Hopefully when you feel better you can go shopping it always ILLUMINATES MY DAY!
ps...I did a little card for you....but I cannot find it!! I will try and look again!
Sorry your birthday was crappy. My husband OFTEN disappoints me on my birthday and Christmas. In case you need some support, I fully support buying your own gift in such case! Why not get exactly what you want? There is no excuse for these men. We are so easy as women- flowers, chocolate, a sappy card... hardly any effort required. Go out and buy yourself something good and write a post about it. Then we'll celebrate with you.
By the way, I had my little girl 4 months ago and went shopping the other day... I was practically in tears by the time I left the mall. I had to laugh when I read your post.
I sympathize with you. I have had many awful birthdays. Hopefully your next will be better. At least there were a few bright spots in the day.
After going back and reading these comments, I am highly disturbed by the number of people who have crappy birthdays and have even come to expect that! What is going on in the world?? This is NOT OK, people. Birthdays should be a big deal. We need to remedy this situation...
Amy - I am sad that you didn't have a great 30th. I think it is good you can say it though and not pretend. But public "humiliation" for Jeremy may be a good way to get a really great belated birthday gift. Jill is so good to do something about her good intentions, I am glad she saved your night.
Sorry about your disappointing birthday. It's hard to have big events happen right after having a baby, because it's never truly just your day.
You must be loved to have received so many cards.
I turn 30 next March and I am already afraid of reaching that age it's good to know that some one as cute as you wasn't worried about it.
So I need to learn to hit refresh when I go to blogs...I check yours all the time and am just now seeing this one~ ugh!
I hate that your b-day was so blah but can totally relate. Since being a mom, they just haven't been that great. Hopefully when you get together with your RBC girls this week everything will be turned around.
I love the spread of cards you received- how cool is this blogging world!
Amy, two years ago my husband did not get me anything for my birthday. I was not pleased when he didn't have a good reason. He has had to make up for it and I can guarantee he'll never miss an occasion again. :-) So that's the good thing. Once they mess up once they know they better not make that mistake twice.
I am so sorry. I've already given you an account of my similar birthday experience a couple of years ago.
You are an incredible person. I'll see you tomorrow to talk more.
If it makes you feel better my 30th last year wasn't one that particularly sticks out in my mind. I guess the thing is when you are young you expect to have your 21st, 30th, and so on to be big and HUGE. Either of mine weren't. I actually delivered my 1st three days after my 21st and well last year I don't remember it being too special.
I am glad that you received so many things in the mail and have Jill near by to drop in on you.
Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.
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