Eating relatives

Last week my sister invited us over to dinner at her house. I brought the leftover carnitas from Jill's party and she bought rice and beans from Mi Ranchito (which makes the best rice ever!!). Kaitlin would touch nothing but the rice--the only food she'll eat in any of it's myriad forms. So at the urging of my sister I resorted to the preferred desperation tactic of parents everwhere--the airplane. I showed Kaitlin how it worked. Then I let her choose who would be riding on the next plane. We ran through everyone in the room--Jenna, Gabriel, Andrew, Mommy, Alexander. Then we came to Raul, my sister's husband. I shluld mention that Kaitlin and Raul have never really bonded. We usually hang out with Jenna and her kids during the day. We rarely see them after Raul gets home from work. So the few times Kaitlin has spent time around Raul she's hardly acknowledged him--too much playing to do, thank you very much! So it came as no surprise that Raul took his airplane ride last. For some reason Kaitlin especially relished eating Raul, and now he is the only relative that Kaitlin will to eat. Nobody else will do. Tuesday night at Target, as if I wasn't already embarrassed enough, I had to fly almost every bite of food into Kaitlin's mouth saying, "Here comes Raul on the airplane--open the door and let me in!" Then at Kneaders for lunch yesterday it was the same thing. Only Raul would do. Does Kaitlin have a little crush on Raul? Does Kaitlin get some sort of reaction from me when she yells out Raul's name? I don't know. All I know is that it works, and we're keeping it up until Kaitlin's food repertoire is vastly expanded.
Your airplane story is too funny. I'm glad Kaitlin is eating for you now, even it if is by pretending to eat her realitives :) Luckily I've always had good eaters.
My kids too go to bed way before the sun is set. I never really thought about it before the kids rarely go out when it's dark outside.
Love it! I've tried the airplane with Devin, but it doesn't work. I haven't tried a specific relative, though. I'll have to give it a try.
Love the post! Thats pretty funny. I would have loved seeing the airplane thing at Target. I think we have all gone to extreme amounts to make our kids eat. I know I have for sure.
Have you ever tried reverse psychology on her? One of my kids really has responded to that. You may give that a try.
Don't beat yourself up to hard. She will eat when shes hungry (at least that is what all the dr's say)
I hate to say it, but we have had kids go to bed hungry and end up eating a ton for breakfast. Because they refused to touch their dinner.
Also, with the picky eating thing I think every kid goes through that. We currently have two in our home. It's amazing how repetition works. It may take 1 week, or even 6 months for them to try it, but works I promise. Good luck!
Jenny, I think that's why I've had luck with broccoli. I've served it to her several times a week for several weeks. She's a little slow on the uptake, but she did finally come around. I'll have to try reverse psychology. I never think of that, but with Kaitlin's personality it just might work. Thanks for the suggestions. I need all the help I can get with this one!
I am so laughing at the airplane thing in Target! Glad she is eating even though it is a relative:)
Mya will only eat meat if we call it by the animal name- pig meat or cow meat or whatever. She won't eat chicken if we tell her it is chicken, but call it cat meat and then she will eat it all. It is so weird and somewhat embarssing when we go out, but it works. On occassion she will eat a piece of pork and then oink like a pig or meow like a cat after eating chicken. I think we are damaging her for life, but at least she eats.
The other thing that works is the reverse psychology thing- we will tell her that we don't think she can eat three bites, and then four and so on as she eats. One time I had her up to 20 bites of something and she was so giddy that she was proving me wrong.
Good luck!
Meals must take forever with all the aviation you've got to do. I guess you gotta do whatever works, but I sure wouldn't be doing it.
Another funny Kaitlin story. I'm enjoying them.
Clayton used to be the same way. After almost 3 1/2 years and much repetition he has become a better eater. He still wants me to rinse off any sauce or whatever from foods, but he is now willing to eat broccoli, carrots, etc on command. It just took a ton of repetition and a lot of embarrassment at family gatherings when my kid is downing white bread and otter pops while the cousins eat their watermelon, hummus, avocados tofu, walnuts, prunes, etc. :-)
Oh, man can I relate to the picky eater problem. Max is gradually getting better, but Lucas is the worst! He is continually trying to further limit the things he likes! I swore I wouldn't allow the same thing to happen to Eva, but she is proving how little control I have over the situation...
I can't believe the airplane trick works for you! I got a kick out of picturing you at Target -- so funny that she wants only Raul! Hey, you've gotta do whatever works.
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