Yesterday was a good day. Not only did I get to have my friends over last night to celebrate Michelle's birthday, but I also got photos from Jill of the photo shoot she did of Kaitlin this week. I am always worried before I have Jill come over to take pictures of Kaitlin. She's not a child who takes direction very well--but she's only two, so what can I really expect? This is why I haven't had Jill come nearly as often as I would have liked, and I vow to be better with my next one. Anyway, Jill always does two things for me. First, she puts me at ease. She doesn't get stressed when Kaitlin's acting like a two year old, like I do. She's patient and calm, and this has an amazing calming effect on me.

Second, and most important, she uses her genius to take some really great pictues of my girl. I love having Jill come over to our house to take pictures because it enables her to capture the true esssence of Kaitlin in her native environment. She captures her silly side, the things she loves playing with, and this time her and I reading her favorite book. She records all of the things that I love most about Kaitlin in the most beautiful way. To me this is much more valuable than getting her to sit still and take one good photo in a cheesy portrait studio. So thank you Jill. Again you have amazed me and given me something much better than I ever thought Kaitlin was capable of. You are a true talent!
You are very welcome! It was certainly my pleasure, and so fun to do. Kaitlin has such a sweet, happy personality so just following her around and taking pictures was no sweat. Please don't ever stress about her behavior, little kids can be themselves and I just have to work around that. If they actually just sat still how boring would that be? She was so cute reading with you, pushing her doll in the stroller, holding that little truck, looking out the window, etc., everything she does is cute.
I am so jealous!! That top pic is AMAZING! I agree catching kids in their homes, or doing what they do best means more than a studio.
My fav pic is the one you emailed me of K with glasses on...I still have that one saved.
You need to share more of the pics Jill took..Great job!
I adore those photos of Kaitlin. Especially the ones of her playing with her doll and reading with you. You're right -- Jill has a special gift with capturing the essence of people, especially children. And I'm still laughing about you saying Jeremy was looking at the album like a flip book!
Good job Jill on the photos and Lucky you Amy because you can display them in your house and people will say how stinkin' cute your little girl is!!
Also, thanks for hosting the birthday bash- it was a delightful night away from craziness for me! And I am still thinking about those super cute green plates!
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