Kaitlin's Bedhead and Some Other Random Stuff

Now for the random stuff. . .
After Monday's episode of Grey's Anatomy, I feel convinced more than ever that I will never give up watching The Office. What? Let me explain. I really liked the path the Derek and Meredith story was following. Derek was trying to do the right thing by his wife. He tried to deny his feelings for Meredith and work things out with Adison. I liked that he denied his feelings for her and his desire to be with her and that he was trying to be honorable. But then they had to go a have sex in a hospital room! I could have handled it if he'd kissed her. I would have loved it if he'd only kissed her. But I wanted it to stop there. And then I wanted him to tell Adison that he just couldn't give Meredith up, that their marraige was over. That would have been somewhat honorable at least. On the other hand, I was elated that Jim finally worked up the guts to kiss Pam during the season finale The Office. Actually I've watched the kiss every night since Thursday. I won't let Jeremy delete the episode from the TiVo. I loved it that much. Yes, Pam's engaged, but Jim is her soul mate. They're perfect for eachother. And Roy, her fiance, is a total jerk!
Have you noticed that the song The World Spins Madly On by The Weepies has been on jsut about every television drama this season? So far I've heard it on One Tree Hill, Everwood, Scrubs, and Grey's Anatomy. Last night I was browsing through the new releases in iTunes. The soundtrack for the new Jennifer Aniston movie Friends With Money went on sale, and guess what, The World Spins Madly On is included on it. Now I love this song. Actually I feel kind of cool, because I liked it before it showed up on any TV show, and I'm not usually ahead of things musically speaking. But really. It's really overplayed, and it's not even on the radio--at least here in Utah! Unless somebody knows of a radio station that actually plays cool music that I don't know about. Anyone?
I don't think I've mentioned that Jeremy's taking Kaitlin out of town the next two weekends. Next weekend he's taking her to Burley to visit his parents. His Mom wants him to go on a hike to some waterfall, and since walking up to a store from the car is taxing enough for me right now, I bowed out. Also I have the Relief Society Super Saturday and I signed up for some stuff that I really want to do! Then over Memorial Day weekend they're taking an Adventure Buddies trip to Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks. I'm heading down to St. George with my sister and brother to see my dad. A trip without kids! How long has it been since I did that? This will be my last hurrah. After this trip I only have a month until the baby's due (!) so I'll probably be sticking pretty close to home.
Kaitlin is currently addicted to doing puzzles. She's always been really good at puzzles. I think we discovered that she could do puzzles when she was about 15 months old. She loved them. And it was so cute to have my little 18 moth old know her ABCs. Then about 6 months later, when I tried to force the United States puzzle on her she kind of gave them up. So a few weeks ago I bought her two Dora the Explorer jigsaw puzzles. The 24 piece kind that have to be done on the table because they don't have a hard backing. She got bored with those pretty quicly so I bought her a 100 piece Hello Kitty puzzle. Finally, a challenge. I was so proud of her puzzle genius that I swore I could sit and watch her do puzzles forever. And believe me, it's still cute as ever when she drops a piece of the states puzzle and yells, "Oh! Missouri!" (or whatever state she's happened to drop) But I need to revise that statement. I found I could only sit for about a week and watch her nonstop. Now I'm ready to move on to something else. Any ideas?
I just watched the Grey's Anatomy finale last night and feel just like you do. I've actually been really turned off by Meredith ever since she slept with George. I understand psychologically why she's do what she's doing (and I realize it's just a show), but it grosses me out to think of being so intimate with so many guys. Also, at one point when Derek and Meredith were together he creeped me out. I think it should have gone the way you said, just a passionate, can't-keep-my-hands off you kind of kiss. Frustrating. Though I must say I cried multiple times during the episode.
Oh yeah, what about Duplo blocks for Kaitlin? Those are fun to build with and easy for little hands. We got Landon some for his 1st birthday and the kids still play with them!
We have Duplo blocks. While she loves them at her grandparents, we can't get her to touch them at home! Go figure--the little booger!
1. love the hair made of feathers!
2. Hated that Meredith and Derek got back together. I loved the way he was trying to make his marriage work. I hate it when books, movies, etc. try to make us root for adultery -- it just never works for me. I can't stand Meredith. She just is not a sympathetic character to me. I cried several times, though, especially when Alex picked up Izzy and held her.
3. Two weekends alone? I've never even had one and can't imagine the beauty of it. I love the idea of Adventure Buddies -- so cute.
4. Lucas was just that way about puzzles, a little frightening almost, and infuriating to his older brother who was not as good at them. I just love the image of her dropping in states and identifying them! So cute.
5. Does Kaitlin like art supplies? or paper dolls?
The pics are adorable
Well, I am 6 weeks behind the USA on Greys...so I will comment on the episode when I finally see it!
Can your husband talk to mine about taking the kids somewhere? Alan's only time alone overnight (or more than 8 hours) was when I was in the hospital.
Leah is crazy about books, we honestly read 20 books yesterday (i kept count). Click Clack Moo is still a favorite. Now Leah "reads" it and moo's right along with me
I have never seen Grey's Anatomy- when it aired, I thought it looked kinda trashy, so I didn't take the time to look into it. Maybe I will have to download an episode or two and check it out from all the talk about it lately...
I can't believe you get that time alone before the baby comes. I don't think I would know what to do with myself.
Have you tried any of the Leap Frog stuff with her? Mya has the alphabet fridge magnet set and still plays with it- I know there is a lot more out there though. She is really into playdough and finger painting right now too. Both of which drive me crazy, but it works.
I thought that you had given up watching tv and were only watching movies. Am I crazy or where did I come up with that? Anyway, it's always fun to have a tv show that you look forward to watching.
Oh to have your 1st born again. Enjoy it for the next month. I think that once the baby's born, she'll become a little more independent.
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