The Countdown Begins!

I had another doctor's appointment today. I'm always amazed at how much I look forward to doctor's appointments when I'm pregnant. They're such a nice regular little indicator that time is actually passing. Now, although my least favorite part of pregnancy is begining (the last 8 weeks!) my favorite part of the doctor's visits is also starting. More frequent visits. My next appointment is in two weeks! It's a small thing, really, but it feels like such a milestone. It's the signal that it's almost over. I'm counting down weeks rather than months. Soon enough I'll start counting down days! Soon enough I'll be able to put my shoes on, bend in the middle and breathe easily. I'll be able to lay on my stomach again! But the most exciting thing is that I'll get to hold my newborn little boy and start to get to know this amazing little miracle that's being sent to our family!
Speaking of amazing little miracles, what's up with Kaitlin and her ever increasing clumsiness? Lately it seems like she spends more time falling than actually walking! Today we were on the way into Costco. Suddenly she fell on the ground and rolled three times. She fell that hard! Is this normal? She's two! I'm afraid she's going to take after me. I'm such a clutz. It's a little kwown fact, but I flat on my bum at least once a week. I have an ankle that gives out on me quite frequently. It's really embarrassing, especially since it ususally happens when I'm somewhere really conspicuous--like walking away from the check stand at Target. I hope she doesn't have that problem. I hope she's just having some growing pains, or having trouble getting used to her new shoes. It really is funny though. Does that make me a terrible mom?
What the heck! Your banner is SO stinkin wonderful!!
And please don't tell me you and Kaitlin made a real countdown chain! I can't decide if I am jealous that it would be so very fun for her or if I would be so dang annoyed that you had time to cut that much paper when I am double booked every day this week!
I had no idea you fall down regularly, I've never seen you do it (but I'd like to, ha). I'd especially like to see it if it happened at Target, but I fear I'd laugh so hard I'd pee my pants and then the joke would be on me.
Did you seriously take the time to make that chain count down for the baby? Out of control, but exciting.
No, I didn't make a paper chain. I just found a picture on the Internet. I should though. Jeremy wnated to make one when I got pregnant with Kaitlin, but then he realized how long it would have to be! Maybe that would be a good way to get Kaitlin thinknig about the baby every day. Hmmm. I'll have to give that one some thought!
I thought you made that chain as well and was thinking that would be a great thing to do when I get pregnant again for like the last month.Hmmm...
Mya is pretty clumsy as well, so maybe it is normal. I laugh my head off most of the time, so I guess we would both be terrible moms ;) I think her problem is that she is just a little too excited to go everywhere. Like her feet can't keep up with where her mind is telling her to go. That and she doesn't really pay attention to her feet.
I had no idea about your falling down problem! I think you should make a paper chain to count down. It would be so fun for Kaitlin and what a great visual for you! I like how you are looking forward to all the good things that come with the end of pregnancy -- keep your eyes on the prize! Those last few weeks are so difficult, you need something to help you through it.
Ok, maybe because I knew you during the gangly jr high years, but I remember clutz thing...I am glad to know I am not the only one who didn't grow out of it!
PS, you really should do the chain...I can totally see you and K making one!
we made paper chains all the time in med school counting down jeff's nightmare rotations.
the photo is great!
hang in there with those last few weeks
It's nice to know that other people fall too. I was walking into Target and completely biffed it, my loving brother just stood there laughing, but then I was laughing too. Oh well.
Good luck on the remaining 8 weeks of uncomfortability, ther payoff will so be worth it.
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