These are my Mother's Day flowers.
Today they're helping to remind me to be happy!
Another Monday. I know we've talked about liking Mondays because they represent a return to our routines, to life as normal. Lately, though, for me, Monday has been one big fat reminder of how much I'm not getting done right now. I still have closets full of stuff for my craft room that I simply don't want to put away. I still haven't put Kaitlin's winter clothes away--they're strewn all over the floor in the baby's room. I still have to wash the crib linens, hang curtains, hang pictures all over my house, get my guest room ready for our friend Mikal, who's coming to stay with us tomorrow night until Thursday, and also function on a day to day basis. All with this cumbersome pregnant body that feels as achy as if it just ran a marathon with very little training or preparation. Can aynbody say Tylenol? Can I take extra strength? And then to top it all off, I caught Kaitlin's cold, including the mother of all sore throats.

So, this week I vow to turn this all around. I vow to not get down on myself when I don't finish my to do list. I vow to at least finish the things I didn't finish on my list last week. I vow to get my office ready to live in. I vow to make dinner at least once so I don't waste all of the ingredients I bought last week! Most importantly, I vow to make the most of the next six weeks. They're the last that Kaitlin and I have alone together, and I don't want to be stressed. If she wants to sit in her room doing puzzles all day, then that's where I'll be. If she wants to go on a walk around the block, that's where I'll be--trudging along at a much slower pace than she'd like! Anyway, you
get the point.
You're in the home stretch of your pregnancy so it's a wonder you can do anything at all. It's a conflict of interest to have an overactive nesting instinct and the energy of a sloth. Try to cut yourself some slack, so you can enjoy these last few weeks of only having 1 child! The demands that will be placed on you soon will make your head spin and you'll yearn for these weeks again. (Also, call in reinforcements if you need help. We'll all come help you unpack your scraproom or whatever else you need done.)
Since I JUST went thru this, I can tell you DONT GET DOWN ON YOURSELF. Do what you can when you can and the rest will work itself out. Put your husbands and friends to work for you, that is what they are there for. There will be a couple days where you will get the urge to clean and purge, and the rest of the 6 weeks you will want to do nothing! But it is amazing how much those "nesting" spurts can get done.
Spend this time with K, and enjoy it. Nothing will ever be the same, but in a good way.
I know I had easy pregnancies but with the second I was totally content to be pregnant forever. Jessica was at such a fun age and I had the second child but didn't have to care for him. Enjoy your next few weeks with Kaitlin - you'll probably spend the next few after that crying every time you look at her because you feel so guilty you can't do 100% her anymore. At least that was my experience. But so worth it and they are best friends and I love that they have each other!
I totally understand Amy! You have the right attitude. Call if you need to be reminded of it! Good luck and let me know if I can help!
I think that you are an amazing mother. Kaitlin is lucky.
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