March 29, 2006

Another Cafe Press find, or, how blogging is going diminsh my resolve to save, make me go way over budget and possibly force Jeremy to divorce me.

This isn't my official post for the day. I'll do that later, but I just wanted to share what I found on Ali Edwards's blog--a link to Rhonna Farrer's Cafe Press store. IF you liked Ali's store, you're going to love this one. And, now that I thought I had found a great mousepad, I have found a ton more candidates to make my decision even harder. Too bad they're $15.00 each. I'd just buy a bunch and have one a month for an entire year! That would be excessive, don't you think? Maybe one a quarter. ;)

My other exciting find (and this one has made me starry eyed) is the Lazar Studiowerx online storethat offers everything you'd ever need to make your own Claudine Hellmuth Poppets. Wouldn't it be fun to take these on vacation to make postcards? The ideas are flying around in my head so quickly, I just might not be able to sleep tonight. The only problem is that I want all of the stamps, and the clothing lazer cuts and I've just about shot my wad for the month (besides it would take me two months to buy everything I want) for discretionary spending. Oh, how I hate trying to be disciplined.

PS Jeremy actually really liked the Claudine Hellmuth art, and is very supportive of getting me one for a late Mother's Day present. (Late because I want to wait until the littel guy arrives so he can be in it too.) Jill, want to collaberate with Claudine Hellmuth? We're definitely going to need some pictures!

Alright, this wasn't supposed to be long. I'm off to eat lunch in peace and rest until Kaitlin wakes up or until it's time to leave for my doctor's appointment. Whichever comes first.


Blogger Jill said...

I'm always willing to take lots of pictures, you just say "when".

3:03 PM  
Blogger everything pink! said...

i love knowing there is someone else out there searching for stuff too.
i am seriously considering getting one of these prints.
keep the ideas coming.
love it.

7:38 AM  

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