Thanks for all of your Conference posts
Jeremy and I went to Idaho to visit his parents for conference. Unfortunately the most important thing I learned from my conference weekend was that I don't want to visit Jeremy's parents when I really want to listen to conference. Somehow one does not get so much out of Conference without the ability to hear it--a fact to which I'm sure Kristi will attest. I did hear most of Saturday's session, but Sunday was a complete loss.
I have vowed to myself that I will read the Sunday sessions in their entirety when they become available online on Thursday, or in the Ensign, and take notes in my new church journal (thanks for another great idea, Jill!). So I was grateful to read all of your blogs about conference. From what I hear it was a good one, and your posts reaffirmed that for me. The bright side for me was my journal. I found it at Target for only $2.99. I simply stamped my initials, added ribbon, made a matching pen and voila! The thing I really like about it is that it has a pocket inside the front cover that is the perfect size for holding notecards. Now, when I do get to go to Relief Society--they assure us they're looking for our replacement--I can either take notes, or if the lesson gets off topic and I start to zone out, at least I can write a note or two.
The notebook is oh so cute! I love it when you post your projects. Sorry that hearing conference was a bust. I find that when we get together with my whole family for the Sunday afternoon session it's much harder to listen as well. I found myself getting so sleepy and thinking I could write notes with my eyes partially closed. Good grief.
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